720-689-7989    Fax: 720-669-8960 support@columbinecares.com

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

On August 16th, the Food and Drug Administration released its final ruling that establishes a regulatory category for over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. This means that you will begin to see low-cost hearing aids sold in retail stores like Walgreens, Walmart, and...

Columbine Shares

You all know that YOU are the life source of this practice, so we truly rely on your continued business and the friends and family members you refer to us. In appreciation of those referrals you keep sending our way, I’m thrilled to announce a new program that...

Neuroscience Bootcamp

In May of 2022, I had the unique opportunity to attend a Neuroscience Bootcamp in Dallas, TX. I was honored to be asked to speak at the bootcamp about my 5 Keys to Communication Success educational program (most of you have received my book and many of you are...

Serving Our Community

Columbine Hearing Care is proud to be one of the founding members of a non-profit organization called Hearing the Call – Colorado. Our mission is to make sure that quality hearing healthcare is available to all of our neighbors. Along with 5 other Colorado...

Like Physical Therapy for your Brain

Auditory brain training is like physical therapy for your ears and brain, and it might be just what you need to get the most benefit from your hearing aids! Physical Therapy for the Knee Have you, or someone you know, had a knee replacement? If so, you know there is a...