Hearing Loss Association of America

Hearing Loss Association of America Denver Chapter
Colorado is lucky to have three active HLAA local chapters: Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs. Patients of Columbine Hearing Care in Littleton are encouraged to attend the monthly Denver chapter meetings and events. Monthly meetings are held from September through June and include a speaker on a topic related to hearing loss as well as time for connection with other attendees (we often learn the most from others who experience similar hearing challenges!).
Place: Forum Theater at the Koelbel Library in Centennial
Date: 3rd Saturday of the month (September-June)
Time: 1:00-3:00 pm
Social activities include monthly meet-ups at restaurants, open-caption movie outings, and an annual picnic in July. For the most up-to-date information please visit their website at www.hearinglossdenver.org, or feel free to email them at [email protected].
Dr. Dusty is proud to serve on the board of the Denver Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America and she has been an invited speaker for local chapter meetings as well as the HLAA National Convention. We highly encourage you to become a member of the national HLAA organization and to attend the local chapter meetings and events.