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With a wide range of hearing aids on the market, it’s natural to be curious if cheap hearing aids are worth buying.

Hearing loss is a prevalent health problem that affects millions of people all over the world. It can be caused by a plethora of factors, including age, genetics, noise exposure, and certain medical conditions. Hearing aids are the most common solutions to address hearing loss.

In this blog, we’re going to talk about the importance of getting a hearing test and why you should work with an audiologist when considering hearing aids.

Are cheap hearing aids worth it?

As audiologists, we would have to say NO.

While cheap hearing aids may seem like an accessible and cost-effective solution, these devices can do more harm than good.

You see, hearing aids are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each person’s hearing loss is unique – like a fingerprint!

Because of this, a professional audiologist must first determine the type and extent of hearing loss before prescribing or recommending a hearing aid. This is done through a hearing test and other hearing evaluations.

What happens if you “blind-buy” a hearing aid?

The main purpose of hearing aids is to amplify sounds to a comfortable level so that a person with hearing difficulties can hear better.

If a hearing aid is not correctly calibrated, it might amplify sounds too much, which can lead to further damage to the ears.

Another possibility is under-amplification. If a hearing aid is not properly calibrated by an audiologist, the ears might not receive the maximum benefit from the device. In short, purchasing a cheap, uncalibrated hearing aid will most likely give you unsatisfactory results.

Audiologists are trained to program the hearing aid to meet unique hearing requirements. They can ensure that the hearing aid matches the hearing needs based on the hearing test to provide the best possible hearing experience.

Cheap hearing aids are typically pre-programmed with generic or “first-fit” settings that may not be beneficial for everyone. Another concern about cheap hearing aids is the materials they are made from. Cheap hearing aids are usually made from substandard materials that can be easily broken, which could lead to more repairs or replacements. In short, you end up spending more by opting to use a cheap hearing aid.

Hearing Aid Technology

Modern hearing aids are equipped with groundbreaking technology that makes hearing easier not only for the ears but for the brain as well.

Of course, the more technology and features a hearing aid has, the more expensive it will be. And that’s expected because so much research and development has been poured into making smart hearing aids, plus, the materials they are made with are from premium components, such as titanium.

This is what cheap hearing aids lack – technological innovation from research and development, and premium materials that can make a device very resilient and durable for long-term usage. Cheap hearing aids lack these essential features and are usually just very basic, or worse, outdated.

Hearing Aids in Littleton, CO

Hearing aids are an investment. Consider investing in high-quality hearing aids as they can lead to enhanced communication, a better quality of life, and an overall better hearing experience.

While cheap hearing aids may seem like an affordable solution, they are not worth your money. They lack the professional support, research and development, customization, and technological advancements that high-end hearing aids offer.

Choose wisely and invest in the best hearing device that will suit your needs. An audiologist can walk you through the hearing aid selection process and help you achieve your hearing goals efficiently.

Columbine Hearing Care offers a wide selection of hearing aids in Littleton, CO. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!