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Ear candles, also known as ear candling, have gained popularity as an alternative method for at-home ear cleaning. However, it’s important to be well-informed about the risks and limitations associated with using ear candles.

In this article, we’ll explore the potential dangers of ear candles and discuss safer and wiser options, specifically seeking professional ear care from an audiologist.

Understanding Ear Care and Earwax:

Before we go into the specifics of ear candles, it’s important to understand the importance of proper ear care. The delicate structures of the ear require regular attention to maintain optimal health and hearing function.

Earwax is a naturally occurring substance that acts as a protective barrier against foreign particles, bacteria, and dust. However, excessive production of earwax can lead to hearing difficulties, discomfort, and even earwax blockage.

The Risks of Ear Candles

Ear candling involves inserting a hollow, cone-shaped candle into the ear canal and lighting it.

Proponents of this practice claim that the heat can create a suction that can draw out earwax and other impurities. However, there are several risks and concerns associated with ear candling:

  • Lack of scientific evidence: The lack of scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of ear candles in removing earwax or improving ear health is the number one reason why you should avoid ear candling. Many studies have shown that ear candling does not produce the desired results and may even cause harm.
  • Burns and injuries: The open flame from the ear candle poses a risk of burns, skin and hair damage. The temperature of the candle, combined with the dripping wax, can put the delicate structures of your ears at risk.
  • False sense of cleanliness: Ear candling may give a temporary or placebo sensation of relief, but it does not effectively remove earwax nor does it address underlying issues. If anything, improper wax removal can only push earwax deeper into the ear canal.

Seeking Professional Ear Care

To ensure the health and safety of your ears, it is recommended to consult an audiologist or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor. They have the tools, expertise, tools, and knowledge necessary to provide appropriate ear care and address any hearing concerns you may be experiencing.

Audiologists can recommend safe and effective ear cleaning products, such as earwax removal kits, ear drops, or saline solutions to help soften and remove earwax. These products are made to help restore or maintain the health of your ears without causing harm.

If you prefer managing earwax buildup at home, an audiologist can guide you on the proper techniques for at-home earwax removal. They can provide instructions and recommend safe ear cleaning products, such as bulb syringes or irrigation kits, to ensure safe and gentle cleaning.

Regular visits to an audiologist play a big role in monitoring your ear health. Through regular checkups, it will be easier to identify any issues early on and receive appropriate medical care.

Professional Ear Cleaning and Earwax Removal Services in Littleton, CO

While ear candling may seem like an appealing alternative for ear care, it’s important to recognize the potential risks and limitations associated with using ear candles. In order to maintain optimal hearing health, it is strongly recommended to seek professional care from qualified audiologists.

Instead of relying on ear candles, it’s best to consult an audiologist who can provide safe and effective solutions for earwax removal, ear cleaning, and overall ear care.

Taking proactive steps towards professional ear care will ensure the long-term health and well-being of your ears and hearing.

Columbine Hearing Care provides expert hearing care in Littleton, CO. Our audiologists conduct comprehensive examinations and hearing assessments, and provide personalized hearing care solutions to address your unique hearing needs.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!